We put our heads together to increase your business success!
Barbara Baratie

Barbara Baratie is the enthusiastic networker who assembles the expertise of the different consultants for your business.
She studied business economics and social education (German diploma) and knows how to get in touch with people, how to connect them and how to reach them emotionally. As coach for innovation, team and personal development, she makes use of successful communication strategies and she inspires her team to perform on top levels.
Barbara Baratie is member of the General Assembly of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Duisburg as well as member of its Committee for Innovation and Research.
As managing director of the „unternehmerinnen forum niederrhein“ (association of businesswomen in the Lower Rhine region) she interconnects the know-how of more than 100 companies in the Lower Rhine region.
Dr. Albert Thienel
Dr. Albert Thienel is one of the most well-known German consultants, and coaches, in the fields of leadership and organizational development. He advises mid-size as well as DAX-listed companies as they implement processes of leadership, change and innovation. He has practical leadership experience from a stint as managing director of a brand-name company and, at Kienbaum Management Consultants, as director of the divisions of change management and management development. An expert of lean leadership, he has worked with the Toyota Formula One team.
A Team-Management-System™ Master of team leadership and team development, he has coached managers in terms of how they perceive their own team preferences and those of other team members. Dr. Thienel conducted assessments that determined managers’ personal strengths as well as the developmental potential of their team leadership skills. Concerning aspects to do with personal development, he mostly coaches ‘on the job’ to accompany practical progress and, in addition, to figure as a sparring partner when it comes to tackling more substantial leadership challenges. Thus, he has coached managing directors and high-level leaders at such companies as L´Oréal Germany und Volvo Trucks Central Europe. Dr. Thienel also trained as an Innovation Practitioner for the Management of Finding Ideas and Innovation. A graduate of the Business Modell Canvas™ Masterclass taught by Alex Osterwalder, he knows how to develop innovative business models that enable companies to gain new customers and markets.

Michael Rixen is the expert for all HR and communication matters. The qualified psychologist (German diploma) provides more than 15 years of practical and theoretical experience in the field of personnel development and employee management. He has worked as head of personnel development in the retail sector and as HR manager in media business. His latest book is about time management for executives. Michael Rixen also trains staff for Metro Cash&Carry Gemany and SAP Germany.
Benno von Aerssen
Benno van Aerssen is our expert for innovation coaching, ideation and innovation culture. Many business awards characterise his creative and initiative work, e.g. the “Internationaler Deutscher Trainerpreis”, the Oscar in the field of business training, which he won for his Innovation Coach training concept.
In 2009, he published his first business book about revolutionary innovation management. Since 2013, “Innovation digging” tells companies how bundled creativity and the systematic generation of ideas brings them to the top. His latest book “Inspiration on the job”, published 2015, provides inspiring ideas for a creative work-innovation-balance.
Besides being a creative coach, Benno is Team Management Master ® and Masterclass Member of the Business-Modell-Canvas ® according to Alexander Osterwald. With his considerable experience and his broad methodological expertise, he knows how visions will become successful companies of the future.
Haniel, Vallourec, Mannesmann-Salzgitter Forschung GmbH, WILO, METRO, RWE, A1 in Austria, Hornbach and the Volkswagen group in Berlin benefit from his expertise.

Christian Buchholz has been international management trainer, speaker and management consultant for more than 15 years. He is known as expert in the fields of leadership, innovation and change. As innovation coach, he uses effective management tools and a business culture of understanding and trust to develop the powers of your company.
Christian Buchholz won the “Internationaler Deutscher Trainerpreis“ award of the BDTV twice, and in 2014 his work was awarded with the LIFO®-at-it’s-Best-Award of the LIFO® society. Christian Buchholz has worked in 14 different countries, various business sectors and in many medium-sized companies as well as large corporations. Being member of the German Speakers Association and the Global Speaker Federation, he also inspires his audience with his speeches.
Werner Möstl

Werner Möstl is our guarantor for your sales success. As a sales expert, he supports your staff in developing their full potential and optimises your sales processes. His keys to success are customer-oriented thinking and acting, excellent communication leading to customer loyalty, honest relationship management as well as clearly structured sales processes. Being systemic coach, NLP expert and sales specialist he knows businesspersons live on what they sell. Medium-sized companies from the wholesale, industrial, service and logistics sector as well as DATEV and Siemens benefit from his know-how.
Gunnar Marx
Gunnar Marx is an expert for customer relationships. He assists you to create and manage your processes with more regard to the perspective of your clients. During the past 25 years, Gunnar has been working in all key positions of sales. As Salesman, Key Account Manager and Sales Director he became familiar with corporate and SME structures in various sectors. As an experienced process consultant, he is able to capture new customer situations systematically and with great empathy. Thus, you gain more clarity for your current situation and possible solutions right from the beginning. Gunnar likes to pass on his experience and knowledge in his speeches, trainings and consultations. In these events, he makes sure to get in touch with all participants and he supports their interconnections, as he knows: The right contact provides the energy you need. His attitude is characterized by the credo „Sale with Soul“. As products and services are apparently becoming more substitutive, the way we handle our business relationships is crucial. To gain the best ideas for this purpose, Gunnar loves to do endurance sports.

Find a full list of all experts on the german page „Expertenteam„